About Us
Iz Teremka BRT Kennel (ITBRTK) started as a fledging show dog business in 2005. It's owned and privately operated by Russian-born Svetlana (Lana) Lochan, a breeder, handler, and trainer.
As ITBRTK grew to three Black Russian Terriers, ITBRTK applied to the Canadian Kennel Club for Kennel Registration name and was granted an official “Registration of Kennel Name – “Iz Teremka Kennel” in 2007.

Soon after this, Lana began her second major career as a breeder, handler and trainer of Black Russian Terriers. Lana has shown many BRTS and led her dogs in Canadian, American, United Kennel Club and Federation du Canada Champions throughout Canada and the United States.
Her husband Carlyle, also known as Bunny, is her helper and is mainly in charge of washing and drying the BRTS for grooming, which Lana does herself. He is also the driver, who takes Lana around to show events, to deliver puppies when it is required.
Here is an excerpt of what Lana has to say about BRTs.
As a Black Russian Terrier (BRT) breeder and handler I have received numerous acclamations regarding the beauty of the Black Russian Terrier.
Why is this?
Well, let me share my personal experience. Being from Siberia, Russia, I always admired Black Russian Terriers (BRTs) for their enormous size and beauty. I fell instantly in love with these dogs. I could not afford to have a BRT back in Russia because of living conditions. However, I always dreamt of owning one. When I came to Canada, my husband and I were looking for a second dog to accompany our rescued Black Labrador Retriever. I remembered my dream of owning a BRT.
On one occasion, going through a Dogs in Canada magazine, I saw a Black Russian Terrier showcase. I was in shock and thrilled! I didn’t expect to see BRTs in Canada! I showed it to my husband, but he didn’t look too impressed. Later on my husband and I were visiting his parents in Burlington ON, when I read a classified in the Toronto Star advertising Black Russian Terrier Puppies for Sale.I immediately got excited and spoke to my husband who advised me to call the listed telephone number.
It so happened, that the sellers (surprise, surprise!) were also Russian. I made arrangements to visit their home the same day. I made it clear, that we are not buying a puppy at this time, but I wanted to introduce this breed to my husband. Upon arriving at their home, I saw the most spectacular, enormous, magnificent, groomed Black Russian Terrier! The first thing that came to mind was, wow, this is a dog that I would like to have to protect me. No one will dare attack me. My husbands reaction was the same.
He later shared with me what his thoughts were on the BRT. What a beast! This dog represents masculinity, power and strength. All the attributes of what a male should be. What a dog! But when we saw a litter of ten five-week-old puppies and when I held one boy, he hugged me in return, I knew, I lost my heart to him.
That day, after seeing the puppies, we looked at each other, and without saying a word my husband paid his last two hundred dollars in his pocket as a down payment for our first BRT, who became our foundation stud dog: Furry Taras Siberian Star.
From the moment we brought Taras into our home, I always said: This is a dog, I wanted to have all my life, I just did not know it would be a Black Russian Terrier. The reaction as described above is the same response we get from our clients, future customers, dog lovers, children, and non-dog lovers.
Should you ever want to see our Black Russian Terriers, please do not hesitate to contact us at Iz Teremka Kennel.